
Ten company teams, including Rogers Germany, recently came together for the 3rd annual soccer tournament benefitting Heilpädagogisches Zentrum (HPZ), a local organization supporting the mentally handicapped community. HPZ 在德国的普法芬霍芬地区经营多所学校,包括 Anna-Kittenbacher 学校、Geisenfeld 特殊教育中心、Adolf-Rebl-Schule 智力开发中心、早期干预中心以及一系列计划,包括治疗日、社会教育日以及开放帮助。

Soccer Tournament

The Rogers Germany team is a regular supporter of HPZ. Also supporting HPZ in the soccer tournament were Siemens Kemnath, Weiden Police, Stadtwerke Weiden, and BHS Corrugated Weiherhammer. The highlight of the tournament was the unified HPZ Team — a mix of players, some who had disabilities and some who did not – who joined in the fight to the victory cup!

The tournament included great soccer games, treats brought by HPZ, and a raffle with lots of great prizes.

While Rogers Germany gave it their all, the final match came down to the Weiden Police vs the unified HPZ Team. Congrats to the Weiden Police, who went on to win. In the end, the HPZ organization was happy and considered the annual charity event a great success! Proceeds from the event went to the HPZ in Irchenrieth, which fosters people with mental and physical disabilities and helps them with integration into society.

Kudos and many thanks to the Rogers Germany team for their passion and dedication to the tournament and to HPZ.

Rogers Germany Soccer Team

Standing (left to right): Matthias Keck, Benjamin Reiter, Michael Pfleger, André Brunner, and Korcaj Milot. Front (left to right): Markus Walberer, Alexander Schäffler, Daniel Küfner, and Michael Melchner.


发布于 2017 年 7 月 20 日



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