
随着年终的到来,越来越多的人开始假日旅行。无论是回家看望亲人还是年终休假,11 月和 12 月期间,机场中和道路上的人群都会大幅增加。除了感受假期的繁忙,这种拥挤的交通情况还提供了许多开展旅行安全实践的机会。

Safety is the top priority at Rogers. This means safety everywhere: on the production floor, in the office and especially while traveling. At Rogers Corporation, being a global company means many of our employees travel for work. Here are some good travel and safety tips our employees have picked up over the years.

  1. Allow yourself plenty of time.

“Go wisely and slowly. Those who rush, stumble and fall.” – William Shakespeare

Take your time. Allow plenty of time to get through security at the airport, to drive through traffic on the freeway and to enjoy the people and sites you are visiting.

  1. Be prepared for unfamiliar territory.

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” – Benjamin Franklin

When traveling somewhere unfamiliar, it is exciting to see new sites and have new experiences. However, take some time to acquaint yourself with these new surroundings. Review the hotel’s evacuation route, examine a city map before visiting and plan to arrive in the city during daylight for easier navigation.

  1. Have backup identification on hand. Just in case.

“If a man be gracious and courteous to strangers, it shows he is a citizen of the world.” – Francis Bacon

The sentiment of this quote is true; grace and courtesy go a long way no matter where you are visiting. Still, it is always a good idea to have a backup ID. Whether it is to get through airport security, purchase goods or check-in to a hotel, the need to provide identification seems to be more common while traveling. In the off chance that your primary form of identification is lost, having a secondary ID saved in a different location (say, your luggage instead of your wallet) can help avoid several headaches.

  1. Make sure your vehicle is ready.

“I take to the open road, healthy, free, the world before me.” – Walt Whitman

If you are driving your personal vehicle, give it a good check-up before embarking on a road trip. Proper fluid levels and a well-charged battery allow for peace of mind as you navigate busy schedules and even busier roads. Whether renting a car or driving your own, be sure to check the weather and be ready for upcoming road conditions. Cold forecasts can require considerable planning. Some good items to equip your vehicle with include an ice scraper, blanket, water, rock salt and even a shovel.

  1. Enjoy yourself.

“Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand.” – Mark Twain

While this may not be a practical tip to help you prepare for your upcoming holiday or vacation, it is an important one to remember. Enjoy yourself and find the humor in situations that may be less than ideal. Stuck in traffic driving up the road for a holiday dinner? Have a family karaoke session. Flight delayed while flying across the country for a much-needed getaway? Catch up on your reading list. By finding joy, regardless of the situation, you can help alleviate the stresses of travel and enjoy the memories being made.

From all of us at Rogers Corporation, with a bit of preparedness and positivity, we hope you enjoy a happy and safe holiday season.


发布于 2018 年 11 月 15 日



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